Trip To Scotland
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Now I wanted more than ever to go to the land of my ancestors, and I knew that if I was to avoid burnout at work, I needed to take some time off. But there were obstacles. Money was the biggest problem, as it normally is. I don't care for the typical tourist trip...jump in for a week, get on a bus, and run yourself ragged seeing what everyone is supposed to see. That's just not me. I wanted to spend some time, know the people, visit the sheep, hike the mountains. But staying that long was not financially feasible. I could afford to get there, but not stay there.
Fifteen years ago, this would not have been possible, but I decided to get on the net and be creative. As a United Methodist minister, I am trained in the notion of "connection." I am part of something much larger than myself, united with other Methodists across the globe. Maybe I could arrange a pulpit exchange, I thought. So I went cyber-hunting for a church in Scotland.
I visited the website for the Scotland Methodist Church and then visited those churches who had websites. I was particularly intrigued by the Stirling Methodist Church, as their website reminded me of my church at St. John's , so I wrote to the pastor to see what the possibilities were.
Doors opened. He was not able to do a direct exchange as he and his family already had their summer plans made. But I was welcome to go there, to preach at his church and to live in their home during the month of August. Life is good.