Trip To Scotland
Friday, July 16, 2004
It seems that there is an impossible amount of things to do before I leave a week from Monday. Two funerals, a wedding, a renewal of baptism, and guest preaching all need to be fit in to the usual round of appointments, meetings and sermons before I even get to packing (or shopping)for a 37 day trip.
But God is good. I don't think I recorded here that I got the wonderful news that my book is going to be published by Morehouse Publishing. The pub date right now is Sept. 1, 2005. BLOWING THE LID OFF THE GOD BOX is the title...unless they decide to change it. I just mailed back the signed contract today. That's a huge event in the story of my life...I've been trying for a very long time.
So, I'm off to prepare for tomorrow's funeral and Sunday's sermon and Monday's funeral...