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Unfinished Business

The following is an excerptfrom a review of this book.

Several sermons in Unfinished Business challenge readers to see how the institutional church fails to live up to it's God given calling. In "What's It All About?" -- one of the most compelling sermons in Unfinished Business -- Anne Robertson says we need to examine our churches and ourselves and ask what happens and what takes precedence when love and doctrine collide. "While we argue about Discipline paragraphs," Robertson laments, referring to the United Methodist Book of Discipline, "People are jumping off bridges for lack of love, shooting others because hate rages in their hearts."

Although a few sermons in Unfinished Business made me wonder why their authors won a preaching award, Anne Robertson's sermons left no doubt. They made me wish she could teach preaching in every seminary and preach in every church every Sunday. For their compelling style as well as their content, her two sermons alone are more than worth the price of the book.

Barbara C. Wendland
Editor of Connections: A monthly Letter Calling the Church to Faithful new life

Review printed in Zion's Herald, Volume 175, issue 4

to listen to the sermon preached at the New England Annual Conference
on June 2, 2000, by Ziegler Award winner, Rev. Anne Robertson

to read this sermon as text

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