April, 2004 Received Honorable Mention in the area of Biblical Interpretation from the Associated Church Press. The award was given for "The Offering," a sermon published in "Zion's Herald" in July/Aug., 2003. September, 2001 Accepted into the Pastor-TheologianProgram, sponsored by the Center of Theological Inquiry, 50 Stockton St.,Princeton, NJ 08540. This is an ecumenical program, supported by the LillyFoundation, designed to encourage church renewal through theologicalreflection. June, 2000 ReceivedWilbur C. Ziegler Award for Excellence in Preaching from the NewEngland Conference of the United Methodist Church.
November, 1995 Received HarryDenman Award for Evangelism for the Gainesville District of the FloridaConference of the United Methodist Church.