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Rev. Anne Robertson preaching at New England Annual Conference, June, 2000
New England Annual Conference, June, 2000

     The Wilbur C. Ziegler Award for Excellence in Preaching was established in 1981 and is given annually to one preacher nominated by a congregation and selected by a committee of his or her peers in the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church. The recipient preaches to the Annual Conference.

     Anne Robertson won this award in the year 2000. This is the sermon she preached to the New England Annual Conference on June 2, 2000. A copy of this sermon was subsequently published in Zion's Herald magazine and was published with one other of her sermons in a collection of sermons by Ziegler winners entitled Unfinished Business: Sermons by Ziegler Award Preachers, William C. Coleman, Editor. Click here for more information on this volume.

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